i got this Fujitsu FM TOWNS promotional poster a while back from Yahoo! Japan auctions
if you look closely, we see the Twin Towers in the image of the screen
behind the twin towers is a sort of explosion of light. 🌇 😎
unlabeled hathor temple-related artefacts “dendera lightbulb” image appendix A
here’s why RPGs such as the original FFVII have power, immersion & magick that modern voice-acted RPGs absolutely lack.
One of the key reasons classic text-based RPGs such as the legendary FFVII were/are so powerful:
The ability to enter your own name as the protagonist (“cloud”), in a text-based RPG, enables the game to speak to the role-player’s conscious mind, subconscious mind, and unconscious mind.
This powerful key feature is *absolutely* absent from modern voice-acted RPGs and the remake.
I’ve said before that they should at least attempt to use modern voice synthesis which is able to SPEAK the player’s name, alongside the voice acting. This is the only way to even get close to such dimension of what an RPG is supposed to feel like. A role-player could even use their own voice to train a “deepfake” machine-learned “A.I.” voice for the protagonist.
in the case of the original FFVII in particular for example, the game exploits this further by eventually revealing to the role-player that “cloud” is not who he thinks he is, his memories of his past are false, and he falls into the life stream and has to find his “true self”.
You were telling people before that you were EX-SOLDIER 1st class …? No… that was Zack… remember? Zack died… you picked up his sword though … that wasn’t you in that old photo you remember … that was also Zack …
Thus, the role-player experiences “oh… this is who i really am”, and continues the role-playing game from there.
This is of course even more effective to younger players as they may still be developing their sense of “true self” and identity in the real world.
In various parts of the game, a high frequency constant tone may sound like tinitus, the screen may flash, fade or suddenly switch to a pure black or pure white screen, then dialogue text appearing, speaking to the role-player’s mind, akin to an inner voice inside one’s head, but other times as an external voice speaking into the mind … JENOVA? Sephiroth? Cloud’s consciousness? Are you a puppet? Hmm? Who are you? Are your memories real?
In this way, it was a true masterpiece which exhibits and exploits techniques which yield powerful experiences and effects to the role-player which is impossible for voice-acted RPGs to achieve… unless they implement realistic voice synthesis to speak the role-player’s inputted name, and exploit “deepfake” machine-learning for the protagonist to mimic their real voice.
so, when will we get good voice synthesis for RPGs? machine-learned player voice? wen FFVII remake voice synth mod? enter your real friend’s names as the other party members? train their voice etc?
let’s mosey
(where to? the knowlespole? or temple of the ancients? let’s maybe talk to the JENOVA’s witnesses, where have all the Cetra people gone anyway… ?)
generative art via brain <-> machine interfaces. the next level
the next level of generative art will be brain <-> machine interfaces where one can imagine music and the computer records it, visualise imagery and the computer displays it.
the machine should be able to stream the sounds as they are played in the mind’s ear, not just record them. that will be the real next level.
there will be brain <-> machine interface soundsystem clashes between artists.
conspiracy vs shadow plot
Larry Silverstein: “i built model airplanes, i flew them”
BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cfeZNtLz93m6/
an edit i made of: “לארי סילברסטיין – Larry Silverstein יזם: Ground Zero NY אורח עיר הנד"לן 2014 של מרכז הבניה” (youtube URI: JUvLCzk7nh4) … edited with kdenlive for educational purposes
Larry Silverstein, owner of the World Trade Centre complex on September 11th 2001, recounts that as a child:
“… i built model airplanes, i flew them …”
Larry also explains they had the plans to build the new building BEFORE the towers got hit.
He states in this speech that fire brought down WTC7 (salomon brothers building)
But, in an old documentary he clearly states that he gave the order to “PULL IT” (textbook controlled demolition terminology) see below:
it is a haunting speech he gives, so i added appropriate music:
Music: Mattia Cupelli – Dark Tension Rising Music (Royalty FREE)
Feel free to download and share the video, but please also share the link to the bitchute version for easier sharing.
open your mouth
LIDAR reveals Mayan structures mirror Orion, as is on Mars.
i previously discovered that the huge tharsis-montes landmarks on Mars are perfectly aligned with Orion, as if made as a sign (see header image and below, it seemed no one else made the connection before), which also matches the 3 main pyramids of the Giza plateu in Egypt.
a friend of mine recently brought to my attention the LIDAR images of hidden ancient Mayan structures that mirror the same signs. Overlaying the constellation here, it matches. Credit to Andrew for spotting this, and Albert Lin & team for the LIDAR discoveries … not sure if this connection has been made before, so sharing it here:
my connection of Mars landmarks & Orion, and the signs of Sol, our Sun on June 1st 2010 solar maximum:
remember, looking for patterns in radio noise is how SETI searches for extra terrestrial intelligence, these are prominent patterns, signs:
^ elevation map of Mars with Orion overlayed, along with NASA EVE/SDO images either side.
these are very prominent landmark signs. and they are the main feature of Mars which for some reason are not shown much in most media — they show the other side in most media, or a less prominent depth shading.